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Valentine's Gift Ideas - DIY

I have found that the gifts my husband appreciates the most are the sentimental ones that cost little-to-no money! I wanted to share a few DIY gifts I have done for him in the past that he has loved!

  • An “All the Reasons I Love You” box. Now, you can make this as fancy or as simple as you want. I just wrote mine on pieces of paper and put it in a cardboard heart box that he still has.

  • “I Love You with All My Senses” gifts. You pick 5 gifts based on what your partner would like - one for each of the 5 senses!

  • Candy Bar poster! You can have this say all the “sweet” things you want about your partner, with candy bars strategically placed to fill in the sentences.

  • Scrapbooking some of your favorite pictures together.

  • Sticky notes on the mirror in the bathroom with cute sayings or inside jokes on them!

  • A photo frame full of dates you went on - ticket stubs, photos, or anything else you have saved.

Other special gifts include frames, mugs, and jewelry - you can get them online and get them personalized, adding a special touch. Max LOVES movies (as much as I LOVE clothes), so when in doubt, I always get a few of those! We always do cards. Words are very important to us, so expressing that - on cards you can save forever - is so special!

When in doubt, search Pinterest, where you will find many of these items and more!


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